Mexico Love.

Well... Its been awhile since I've "blogged"
Its been about 3 and a half weeks since I've came home from Mexico though time has already gone so fast, the feeling of leaving my beloved brothers and sisters will never leave me. I keep remembering the feeling of leaving and the feeling of holding your friends while they weep in your arms. Its horrible. I'm sending letters to my friends in Mexico every month... at least I can still talk to them... It's gunna be a long year.
I've put the memories in the back of my head, basically because it hurts too much to remember... for now. I miss them everyday.
I love those 6 brothers like they were my own children... a little dramatic? Maybe, though its the truth.
Not only was it hard to leave the children but leaving the Mexican passion for God behind. I know I should bring it home with me and to a degree, I have but being Christian Reformed... passion is not in the vocab.
I feel a heavy burden on my shoulders, something God can only take away. I pray for relief and He does come through, he always does. But to be honest, I think I'll always have the fight the depression I had fell into a year ago before I was a christian. Which isn't something I'm looking forward to.
God be my strong tower. Cause I'm breaking down.
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