This young boy is very dear to me. His name is Martin and he is 8 years old. He lives in Mexico, in a poor village named Bugambilias. I had the privlege to go to Mexico on a missions trip and meet this sweetheart. I have never met someone as emotionally strong as this boy. But let me tell you the entire story before I get to that...
We drove across the Mexican border on April 4th 2009. Oh man, what did I get myself into... If you've ever drove to Mexico you'd realize the complete mess it is. There is garbage and tires and everything everywhere. I couldn't stop asking why they were so careless with their community... everyone answered that they simply didn't care. Well, ok thats pretty straight forward. Soon, we arrived at our village. I saw a ton of new faces but they all seemed estatic to see me. They were yelling hellos, giving me hugs and asking from piggyback rides, slightly confused I went around hugging them, trying to talk a language I was definitely not fimilar with. Some of the people from my Missions Team knew some kids and there was one boy my friend Brad knew, his name was Martin, with a quick "Hola Martin," a friendship began. Every morning when i saw Martin I'd say "Buenos Dias, Martin!" and he'd reply "Buenos dias." He was so cute. Days past and we began to grow closer and closer. We started to play everyday with eachother, constant times down the slide and many more shoulder ride races... purely exhausting but we always found more energy to keep them happy. One day in particular, was special yet totally heartbreaking. I only had 2 more days left in Mexico and just thinking about leaving the village brought me to tears. Martin was talking to me, I obviously couldnt understand him because he was a little Spanish boy so i took him to the translator so I could understand. He started by saying "I love you and I dont want you to leave me." Heartbreaking right? thats only the beginning... He then continued with "I'm scared. My papa came into my house last night all drunk and drugged up. He went into my room, pulled me out of my bed, beat me
and put me out on the streets." I was speechless. My heart broke in ways i never knew possible. But as angry i was at that moment at his father he continued "Jesus has protected me, I trust him. I love him and he loves me." Wow. A 7 year old boy taught me a lesson about trust. This boy changed my life. I hope his and my story has changed yours.
I'm extremely happy to report, that recently I've gotten news from Bugambilias that Martin is safe and his head doesn't have a simple inperfection. God prevails. I've prayed for Martin everyday for a year. I have learnt if you trust the Lord and give him your heart, the Lord will protect you and hold your heart through the valleys and the mountains of life, through thick and thin.
Heres Martin with my brother and hes happy and healthy. God is good.
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