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Forgiveness; is more than saying sorry.

So... I totally feel stupid that my thoughts keep coming back to this stupid blog from when I was 15. And I keep coming to revisit this page since stumbling upon it. As written about briefly in the last post, life hasn't been too peachy in the past 2 years. There's been many challenges and I have been completely overcome with anger. My knuckles have been permanently white from gripping to the betrayal and grief of my sister in law leaving my family and bluntly, shitting on our lives. Yikes, that was intense. In the past, I've covered the pain with indifference with a "whatever, it doesn't bother me" type of attitude or humor. Hence, why I named this post after a quote from the movie "Just Friends".... Where that crazy celebrity Samantha is drugged up eating toothpaste. And later writes an awful song about Forgiveness. Ya that. Anywho. I thought I should just write for the record. That through the Lord and his faithful, I have dealt with the hurt a...

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Mexico Love.

Hola Canada....



Ohh ya.. so B.A...

