Today was one of those "I think I have A.D.D" kinda of days.
The 1st day of the semester is always slack since all you do is read over course outlines, no big deal. Lunch was where I went on a big rant about how Severus is a total retard for throwing innocent Dumbledore off the cliff, like really? Why would you do such a thing?! Then, I finished off by imitating the Mini Pop Kids. We all wish we were a Mini Pop Kid at one point of our lives, mine was today.
But, after school is when the fun really began. My mom picked me up from school to get some new binders and notebooks for my new courses so we went to Wal-Mart then Save-On Foods. All I can really say is, grocery stores are the shit.
I was looking at shampoos in Wal-Mart after picking out my binders and notebooks. I was debating between Head and Shoulders or Herbal Essences. I ended up getting neither but there was a lady who walked past me with the longest and frizziest hair I've ever seen in my 15 years of life and she reeked of cigarette smoke.. she seemed like a nice lady.
We moved onto Save-On... I bought some hot hearts :D... We were nearing the end of our grocery store experience when my mom forgot something and told me to proceed to the check out... of course I love doing the self checkout since it gives me a sense of independence and excitement. I mean whats not exciting about the beep every time you scan an idem. Anyways, I was pulling in line for the self-checkout when a lady pulled out of the line and said "Oh-no, I don't be in this line." We exchanged a smile and as we passed each other she said in a opinionated voice "These things steal peoples jobs!" Awkwardly, I continue to pull into the self-checkout. I know now that lady's judgment of me has been altered; not in a good way. Thinking of what happened, I shared a little giggle with myself and proceeded to scan my hot hearts and mutter to myself "Oh the joys of the grocery store."
These times make me love life and the events of grocery stores.


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